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AbstractBaseNDecoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Base decoder class for encoding schemes described in RFC 3548.
AbstractBaseNDecoder(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
Creates a new instance with given parameters.
AbstractBaseNEncoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Base encoder class for encoding schemes described in RFC 3548.
AbstractBaseNEncoder(char[], int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
Creates a new instance with given parameters.
AbstractBlockCipherBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Base class for all cipher beans that use block cipher.
AbstractBlockCipherBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractBlockCipherBean
Creates a new instance.
AbstractBlockCipherBean(KeyStore, String, String, Nonce) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractBlockCipherBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
AbstractCipherBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Base class for all cipher beans.
AbstractCipherBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Creates a new instance.
AbstractCipherBean(KeyStore, String, String, Nonce) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
AbstractEncryptionScheme - Class in org.cryptacular.pbe
Abstract base class for password-based encryption schemes based on salt data and iterated hashing as the basis of the key derivation function.
AbstractEncryptionScheme() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
AbstractHashBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Abstract base class for all hash beans.
AbstractHashBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
Creates a new instance.
AbstractHashBean(Spec<Digest>, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
AbstractOTPGenerator - Class in org.cryptacular.generator
Abstract base class for HOTP and TOTP OTP generation schemes.
AbstractOTPGenerator() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.AbstractOTPGenerator
AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder<T> - Class in org.cryptacular.asn
Base class for all private key decoders.
AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.asn.AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder
AbstractWrappedDSAKey<T extends org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.DSAKeyParameters> - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
Base class for DSA wrapped keys.
AbstractWrappedDSAKey(T) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedDSAKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
AbstractWrappedECKey<T extends org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECKeyParameters> - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
Base class for wrapped EC keys.
AbstractWrappedECKey(T) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedECKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
AbstractWrappedKey<T extends org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AsymmetricKeyParameter> - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK key base class that wraps a BC native private key.
AbstractWrappedKey(T) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given BC key.
AbstractWrappedRSAKey<T extends org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.RSAKeyParameters> - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
Base class for RSA wrapped keys.
AbstractWrappedRSAKey(T) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedRSAKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
add(String, String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
Adds an attribute by type and value to the end of the attribute list.
add(Attribute) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
Adds the given attribute to the end of the attribute list.
add(RDN) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
Adds an RDN to the sequence.
AEADBlockCipherAdapter - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
AEADBlockCipherAdapter(AEADBlockCipher) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.AEADBlockCipherAdapter
Creates a new instance that delegates to the given cipher.
AEADBlockCipherBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Cipher bean that performs encryption with a block cipher in AEAD mode (e.g.
AEADBlockCipherBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
Creates a new instance.
AEADBlockCipherBean(Spec<AEADBlockCipher>, KeyStore, String, String, Nonce) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
AEADBlockCipherSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Describes an AEAD block cipher in terms of a (algorithm, mode) tuple and provides a facility to create a new instance of the cipher via the AEADBlockCipherSpec.newInstance() method.
AEADBlockCipherSpec(String, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new instance from a cipher algorithm and mode.
allowsUsage(X509Certificate, KeyUsageBits...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Determines whether the certificate allows the given basic key usages.
allowsUsage(X509Certificate, KeyPurposeId...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Determines whether the certificate allows the given extended key usages.
ASCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
ASCII charactr set.
ASN1Decoder<T> - Interface in org.cryptacular.asn
Strategy interface for converting encoded ASN.1 bytes to an object.
Attribute - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Simple implementation of the X.501 AttributeTypeAndValue that makes up the RelativeDistinguishedName type described in section of RFC 2459.
Attribute(AttributeType, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attribute
Creates a new instance of the given type and value.
Attributes - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Ordered list of Attributes.
Attributes() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
AttributeType - Interface in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Describes values of AttributeType that may appear in a RelativeDistinguishedName (RDN) as defined in section 2 of RFC 2253.
ATV_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.LdapNameFormatter
Separator character between ATV components in the same RDN element.
authorityKeyId(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets the authority key identifier of the given certificate in delimited hexadecimal format, e.g.


b32(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes bytes into base 32-encoded string.
b32(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Decodes a base32-encoded string into raw bytes.
b32(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes bytes into base32-encoded string.
b64(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes bytes into base 64-encoded string.
b64(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Decodes a base64-encoded string into raw bytes.
b64(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes bytes into base64-encoded string.
backward() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
BASE32 - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Base32 encoding specification.
BASE32_UNPADDED - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Unpadded base32 encoding specification.
Base32Codec - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Base 32 encoder/decoder pair.
Base32Codec() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
Creates a new instance using the RFC 4328 alphabet, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567.
Base32Codec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
Creates a new instance using the given 32-character alphabet.
Base32Codec(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
Creates a new instance using the given 32-character alphabet with option to enable/disable padding.
Base32Decoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Stateful base 32 decoder with support for line breaks.
Base32Decoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Decoder
Creates a new instance using the RFC 4648 alphabet, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567, for decoding.
Base32Decoder(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Decoder
Creates a new instance using the given 32-character alphabet for decoding.
Base32Encoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Stateful base 32 encoder with support for configurable line breaks.
Base32Encoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 32-encoded output in the RFC 4648 alphabet, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567, with no line breaks in the output.
Base32Encoder(int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 32-encoded output in the RFC 4648 alphabet, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567, with the given number of characters per line in the output.
Base32Encoder(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 32-encoded output in the given 32-character alphabet with no line breaks in the output.
Base32Encoder(String, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 32-encoded output in the given 32-character alphabet with the given number of characters per line in the output.
base64(InputStream) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance that decodes base64 input from the given stream.
base64(OutputStream) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance that produces base64 output in the given stream.
base64(OutputStream, int) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance that produces base64 output in the given stream.
BASE64 - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Base64 encoding specification.
BASE64_UNPADDED - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Unpadded base64 encoding specification.
BASE64_URLSAFE - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
URL-safe base64 encoding specification.
Base64Codec - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Base 64 encoder/decoder pair.
Base64Codec() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
Creates a new instance using the base-64 alphabet defined in RFC 4648.
Base64Codec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
Creates a new instance using the given 64-character alphabet.
Base64Codec(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
Creates a new instance using the given 64-character alphabet with option to enable/disable padding.
Base64Decoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Stateful base 64 decoder with support for line breaks.
Base64Decoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder
Creates a new instance that decodes base 64-encoded input in the default character set.
Base64Decoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder
Creates a new instance that decodes base 64-encoded input in the optional URL-safe character set.
Base64Decoder(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder
Creates a new instance that decodes base-64 character data encoded in the given alphabet.
Base64Decoder.Builder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Builder for base-64 decoders.
Base64Encoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Stateful base 64 encoder with support for configurable line breaks.
Base64Encoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 64-encoded output with no line breaks in the default character set.
Base64Encoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 64-encoded output with no line breaks and optional URL-safe character set.
Base64Encoder(int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 64-encoded output with the given number of characters per line in the default character set.
Base64Encoder(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 64-encoded output with the given number of characters per line with the option of URL-safe character set.
Base64Encoder(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 64-encoded output with the given 64-character alphabet.
Base64Encoder(String, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
Creates a new instance that produces base 64-encoded output with the given 64-character alphabet with line wrapping at the specified line length;
Base64Encoder.Builder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Builder for base-64 encoders.
BCryptHashBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
HashBean implementation that uses the bcrypt algorithm for hashing.
BCryptHashBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean
Creates a new instance.
BCryptHashBean(int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean
Creates a new instance that uses the given cost factor when hashing.
BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Handles encoding and decoding a bcrypt hash of the form $2n$cost$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
BCryptParameters(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
Decodes bcrypt parameters from a string.
BigIntegerCounterNonce - Class in org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a
Uses a BigInteger to back a counter in order to produce nonces of arbitrary length.
BigIntegerCounterNonce(BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.BigIntegerCounterNonce
Creates a new instance with given parameters.
BlockCipherAdapter - Interface in org.cryptacular.adapter
Adapter for all block cipher types.
BlockCipherSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Block cipher specification.
BlockCipherSpec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.BlockCipherSpec
Creates a new instance that describes the given block cipher algorithm.
BufferedBlockCipherAdapter - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
Adapts a BufferedBlockCipher.
BufferedBlockCipherAdapter(BufferedBlockCipher) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.BufferedBlockCipherAdapter
Creates a new instance that delegates to the given cipher.
BufferedBlockCipherBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Cipher bean that performs symmetric encryption/decryption using a standard block cipher in a standard mode (e.g.
BufferedBlockCipherBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.BufferedBlockCipherBean
Creates a new instance.
BufferedBlockCipherBean(Spec<BufferedBlockCipher>, KeyStore, String, String, Nonce) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.BufferedBlockCipherBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
BufferedBlockCipherSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Describes a block cipher in terms of a (algorithm, mode, padding) tuple and provides a facility to create a new instance of the cipher via the BufferedBlockCipherSpec.newInstance() method.
BufferedBlockCipherSpec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new instance from an algorithm name.
BufferedBlockCipherSpec(String, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new instance from a cipher algorithm and mode.
BufferedBlockCipherSpec(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new instance from the given cipher specifications.
build() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder.Builder
Builds a base-64 decoder with the given options.
build() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder.Builder
Builds a base-64 encoder with the given options.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder.Builder
ByteUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utilities for working with bytes.


CertUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility class providing convenience methods for common operations on X.509 certificates.
CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Buffer size of chunked operations, e.g.
ChunkHandler - Interface in
Callback interface that supports arbitrary processing of data chunks read from an input stream.
CipherAdapter - Interface in org.cryptacular.adapter
Provides a consistent interface for cipher operations against dissimilar BC cipher types.
CipherBean - Interface in org.cryptacular.bean
Bean that performs encryption/decryption using a symmetric cipher.
CiphertextHeader - Class in org.cryptacular
Superseded by CiphertextHeaderV2
CiphertextHeader(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Creates a new instance with only a nonce.
CiphertextHeader(byte[], String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Creates a new instance with a nonce and named key.
CiphertextHeaderV2 - Class in org.cryptacular
Cleartext header prepended to ciphertext providing data required for decryption.
CiphertextHeaderV2(byte[], String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
Creates a new instance with a nonce and named key.
CipherUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility class that performs encryption and decryption operations using a block cipher.
ClassPathResource - Class in
Resource that produces a InputStream from a classpath resource.
ClassPathResource(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new resource that reads from the given classpath location.
ClassPathResource(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new resource that reads from the given classpath location.
close() - Method in class
closeReader(Reader) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Closes the given reader and swallows exceptions that may arise during the process.
closeStream(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Closes the given stream and swallows exceptions that may arise during the process.
closeStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Closes the given stream and swallows exceptions that may arise during the process.
closeWriter(Writer) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Closes the given writer and swallows exceptions that may arise during the process.
Codec - Interface in org.cryptacular.codec
Container for an encoder/decoder pair.
CodecSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Describes a string-to-byte encoding provides a means to create a new instance of the coed via the CodecSpec.newInstance() method.
CodecSpec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Creates a new instance of the given encoding.
CodecUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility class for common encoding conversions.
compare(String, Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean
Compares a bcrypt hash of the form $2n$cost$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy with the computed hash from the given password.
compare(String, Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Compares a known hash value with the hash of the given data.
compare(T, Object...) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.HashBean
Compares a known hash value with the hash of the given data.
compare(byte[], Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.SimpleHashBean
Compares a known hash value with the hash of the given data.
compareHash(Digest, byte[], int, Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Determines whether the hash of the given input equals a known value.
compareHash(Digest, SaltedHash, int, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Determines whether the salted hash of the given input equals a known hash value.
compareInternal(byte[], Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
Compares the hash of the given data against a known hash output.
computeLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
computeLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
concatenateSalt(boolean, Encoder) - Method in class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
Gets an encoded string of the concatenation of digest output and salt.
concatenateSalt(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
Gets a byte array containing the concatenation of digest output and salt.
Converter - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
Static factory with methods to convert from BC type to the corresponding JCE type.
convertPrivateKey(AsymmetricKeyParameter) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.Converter
Produces a PrivateKey from a BC private key type.
convertPublicKey(AsymmetricKeyParameter) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.Converter
Produces a PublicKey from a BC public key type.
CounterNonce - Class in org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d
Deterministic nonce generation strategy that uses a counter for the invocation field as described in NIST SP-800-38D, section 8.2.1.
CounterNonce(String, long) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
Creates a new instance.
CounterNonce(int, long) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
Creates a new instance.
CounterNonce(long, long) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
Creates a new instance.
CounterNonce(byte[], long) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
Creates a new instance.
CryptoException - Exception in org.cryptacular
Runtime error describing a generic cryptographic problem (e.g.
CryptoException(String) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.CryptoException
Creates a new instance with the given error message.
CryptoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.CryptoException
Creates a new instance with the given error message and cause.
currentTime() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator


decode(byte[], Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder
decode(byte[], Object...) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.asn.ASN1Decoder
Produces an object from an encoded representation.
decode(byte[], Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.PublicKeyDecoder
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Creates a header from encrypted data containing a cleartext header prepended to the start.
decode(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Creates a header from encrypted data containing a cleartext header prepended to the start.
decode(byte[], Function<String, SecretKey>) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
Creates a header from encrypted data containing a cleartext header prepended to the start.
decode(InputStream, Function<String, SecretKey>) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
Creates a header from encrypted data containing a cleartext header prepended to the start.
decode(CharBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
decode(CharBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Decoder
Decodes characters in input buffer into bytes placed in the output buffer.
decode(CharBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexDecoder
decode(Decoder, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Decodes the given encoded data using the given char-to-byte decoder.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Decodes a PEM-encoded cryptographic object into the raw bytes of its ASN.1 encoding.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Decodes one or more PEM-encoded cryptographic objects into the raw bytes of their ASN.1 encoding.
decodeASN1(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder
Decodes the given raw ASN.1 encoded data into a private key of the type supported by this class.
decodeASN1(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.OpenSSLPrivateKeyDecoder
decodeASN1(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.PKCS8PrivateKeyDecoder
decodeCertificate(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Creates an X.509 certificate from its ASN.1 encoded form.
decodeCertificateChain(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Creates an X.509 certificate chain from its ASN.1 encoded form.
decodeHeader(byte[], Function<String, SecretKey>) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Decodes the ciphertext header at the start of the given byte array.
decodeHeader(InputStream, Function<String, SecretKey>) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Decodes the ciphertext header at the start of the given input stream.
decodePrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Decodes an encoded private key in either PKCS#8 or OpenSSL "traditional" format in either DER or PEM encoding.
decodePrivateKey(byte[], char[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Decodes an encrypted private key.
decodePublicKey(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Decodes public keys formatted in an X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure in either PEM or DER encoding.
Decoder - Interface in org.cryptacular.codec
Describes a potentially stateful character-to-byte decoder.
DecodingInputStream - Class in
Filters read bytes through a Decoder such that consumers obtain raw (decoded) bytes from read operations.
DecodingInputStream(InputStream, Decoder) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that wraps the given stream and performs decoding using the given encoder component.
decodingTable(String, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
Converts the given alphabet into a base-N decoding table.
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.CipherBean
Decrypts the input data using a block cipher.
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.CipherBean
Decrypts the data from the input stream onto the output stream using a symmetric cipher.
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.pbe.EncryptionScheme
Decrypts the given ciphertext into plaintext using the derived key.
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.pbe.EncryptionScheme
Decrypts ciphertext from an input stream into plaintext in the output stream.
decrypt(AEADBlockCipher, SecretKey, byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Decrypts data using an AEAD cipher.
decrypt(AEADBlockCipher, SecretKey, InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Decrypts data using an AEAD cipher.
decrypt(BlockCipher, SecretKey, byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Decrypts data using the given block cipher with PKCS5 padding.
decrypt(BlockCipher, SecretKey, InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Decrypts data using the given block cipher with PKCS5 padding.
decryptKey(byte[], char[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder
Decrypts an encrypted key in either PKCS#8 or OpenSSL "traditional" format.
decryptKey(byte[], char[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.OpenSSLPrivateKeyDecoder
decryptKey(byte[], char[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.PKCS8PrivateKeyDecoder
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.generator.RandomIdGenerator
Default character set.
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Default character set for bytes is UTF-8.
DEFAULT_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
Default nonce getLength is 12 bytes.
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
Default keystore type, "JCEKS".
DEK_INFO - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Decryption infor tag for PEM-encoded private key in OpenSSL format.
delegate - Variable in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedKey
Wrapped key.
DigestSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Describes a message digest function by name and provides a means to create a new instance of the digest via the DigestSpec.newInstance() method.
DigestSpec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.DigestSpec
Creates a new instance from the given algorithm name.
DigestSpec(String, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.DigestSpec
Constructor for digests that have variable output size, e.g.
DirectByteArrayOutputStream - Class in
Extends ByteArrayOutputStream by allowing direct access to the internal byte buffer.
DirectByteArrayOutputStream() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with a buffer of the default size.
DirectByteArrayOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with a buffer of the given initial capacity.
doFinal(byte[], int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AEADBlockCipherAdapter
doFinal(byte[], int) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.adapter.BlockCipherAdapter
Finish the encryption/decryption operation (e.g.
doFinal(byte[], int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.BufferedBlockCipherAdapter


encode() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
Produces an encoded bcrypt hash string from bcrypt parameter data.
encode(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
Produces an encoded bcrypt hash string from bcrypt parameters and a provided hash string.
encode() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Encodes the header into bytes.
encode() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
encode(SecretKey) - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
Encodes the header into bytes.
encode(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
encode(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Encoder
Encodes bytes in input buffer into characters placed in the output buffer.
encode(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexEncoder
encode(Encoder, byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes raw bytes using the given encoder.
Encoder - Interface in org.cryptacular.codec
Describes a potentially stateful byte-to-character encoder.
EncodingException - Exception in org.cryptacular
Runtime error describing an encoding problem of a cryptographic primitive (e.g.
EncodingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.EncodingException
Creates a new instance with the given error message.
EncodingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.EncodingException
Creates a new instance with the given error message and cause.
EncodingHashBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Computes a hash in an encoded format, e.g.
EncodingHashBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Creates a new instance.
EncodingHashBean(Spec<Codec>, Spec<Digest>) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Creates a new instance that will not be salted.
EncodingHashBean(Spec<Codec>, Spec<Digest>, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Creates a new instance that will not be salted.
EncodingHashBean(Spec<Codec>, Spec<Digest>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
EncodingOutputStream - Class in
Filters written bytes through an Encoder such that encoded data is written to the underlying output stream.
EncodingOutputStream(OutputStream, Encoder) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that wraps the given stream and performs encoding using the given encoder component.
encodingTable(String, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
Converts the given alphabet into a base-N encoding table.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.CipherBean
Encrypts the input data using a symmetric cipher.
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.CipherBean
Encrypts the data from the input stream onto the output stream using a symmetric cipher.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.pbe.EncryptionScheme
Encrypts the given plaintext bytes into a byte array of ciphertext using the derived key.
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.pbe.EncryptionScheme
Encrypts the data in the given plaintext input stream into ciphertext in the output stream.
encrypt(AEADBlockCipher, SecretKey, Nonce, byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Encrypts data using an AEAD cipher.
encrypt(AEADBlockCipher, SecretKey, Nonce, InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Encrypts data using an AEAD cipher.
encrypt(BlockCipher, SecretKey, Nonce, byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Encrypts data using the given block cipher with PKCS5 padding.
encrypt(BlockCipher, SecretKey, Nonce, InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CipherUtil
Encrypts data using the given block cipher with PKCS5 padding.
EncryptedNonce - Class in org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a
Nonce generation strategy that produces a random value according to NIST SP-800-38a, appendix C, method 1 (encrypted nonce), suitable for use with any block cipher mode described in that standard except OFB.
EncryptedNonce(Spec<BlockCipher>, SecretKey) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.EncryptedNonce
Creates a new instance.
EncryptedNonce(BlockCipher, SecretKey) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.EncryptedNonce
Creates a new instance.
EncryptionScheme - Interface in org.cryptacular.pbe
Describes a password-based encryption scheme.
ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.LdapNameFormatter
Escape character.
ExtensionReader - Class in org.cryptacular.x509
Reads X.509v3 extended properties from an X509Certificate object.
ExtensionReader(X509Certificate) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Creates a new instance that can read extension fields from the given X.509 certificate.
ExtensionType - Enum in org.cryptacular.x509
Enumeration of X.509v3 extension fields defined in section 4.2 of RFC 2459.


FactoryBean<T> - Interface in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory bean strategy interface.
FileResource - Class in
Resource that produces a buffered FileInputStream from a file.
FileResource(File) - Constructor for class
Creates a new file resource.
finalize(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
finalize(CharBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
finalize(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Decoder
Performs final output decoding (e.g.
finalize(CharBuffer) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Encoder
Performs final output encoding (e.g.
finalize(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexDecoder
finalize(CharBuffer) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexEncoder
findEntityCertificate(PrivateKey, X509Certificate...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Finds a certificate whose public key is paired with the given private key.
findEntityCertificate(PrivateKey, Collection<X509Certificate>) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Finds a certificate whose public key is paired with the given private key.
flush() - Method in class
FOOTER_END - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
PEM encoding footer start string.
FORMAT - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
String specification format, algorithm/mode.
FORMAT - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
String specification format, algorithm/mode/padding.
format(X500Principal) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.LdapNameFormatter
format(X500Principal) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.x509.dn.NameFormatter
Produces a string representation of the given X.500 principal.
fromAlgorithmId(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLAlgorithm
Converts an OID to the corresponding algorithm specification.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
Gets the attribute type whose name is the given string.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionType
Gets the extension by name.
fromOid(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1Algorithm
Gets the PBE algorithm for the given object identifier.
fromOid(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2Algorithm
Gets the PBE algorithm for the given object identifier.
fromOid(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
Gets the attribute type whose OID is the given string.
fromOid(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionType
Gets the extension by OID.
fromTagNumber(int) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.GeneralNameType
Gets a name type from the value of the tag in the CHOICE element definition.


GeneralNameType - Enum in org.cryptacular.x509
Representation of the options in the CHOICE element describing various categories of the GeneralName type defined in section of RFC 2459.
generate(byte[], long) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.HOTPGenerator
Generates the OTP given a per-user key and invocation count.
generate() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.generator.IdGenerator
Generates a random identifier.
generate() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.generator.Nonce
Generates a nonce value.
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.RandomIdGenerator
generate(BlockCipher) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.SecretKeyGenerator
Generates a symmetric encryption key whose size is equal to the cipher block size.
generate(int, BlockCipher) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.SecretKeyGenerator
Generates a symmetric encryption key of the given length.
generate(int, BlockCipher, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.SecretKeyGenerator
Generates a symmetric encryption key of the given length.
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.BigIntegerCounterNonce
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.EncryptedNonce
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.LongCounterNonce
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.RBGNonce
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
generate() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.RBGNonce
generate(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
Generates the OTP given a per-user key.
generateDSA(SecureRandom, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.KeyPairGenerator
Generates a DSA key pair.
generateEC(SecureRandom, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.KeyPairGenerator
Generates a EC key pair.
generateEC(SecureRandom, String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.KeyPairGenerator
Generates a EC key pair.
generateInternal(byte[], long) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.AbstractOTPGenerator
Internal OTP generation method.
generateRSA(SecureRandom, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.generator.KeyPairGenerator
Generates a RSA key pair.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedDSAKey
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedECKey
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedRSAKey
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BlockCipherSpec
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.DigestSpec
getAlgorithm() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.spec.Spec
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.StreamCipherSpec
getAlgorithmId() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLAlgorithm
getAlias() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
getAll() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
Gets an immutable list of attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDN
getBitsPerChar() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
getBitsPerChar() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
getBitsPerChar() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Decoder
getBitsPerChar() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Encoder
getBitsPerChar() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder
getBitsPerChar() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
getBlockCipherSpec() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
getBlockCipherSpec() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BufferedBlockCipherBean
getBlockCipherSpec() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Gets the simple block cipher specification corresponding to this instance.
getBlockLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
getBlockLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
getBlockLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Decoder
getBlockLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Encoder
getBlockLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder
getBlockLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder
getBuffer() - Method in class
Gets the internal byte buffer.
getCipherSpec() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLAlgorithm
getCipherSpec() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1Algorithm
getCipherSpec() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2Algorithm
getCodecSpec() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
getCost() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
getCrtCoefficient() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getDecoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
getDecoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
getDecoder() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Codec
getDecoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexCodec
getDigest() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.AbstractOTPGenerator
getDigest() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.HOTPGenerator
getDigest() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
getDigestSpec() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
getDigestSpec() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1Algorithm
getDigestSpecification() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
getEncoded() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedKey
getEncodedKey() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
getEncodedKey() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
getEncoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
getEncoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
getEncoder() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Codec
getEncoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexCodec
getFormat() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedKey
getHash() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
getHash() - Method in class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
getInputStream() - Method in class
getInputStream() - Method in class
getInputStream() - Method in interface
Gets an input stream around the resource.
getInputStream() - Method in class
getInvocations() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
getIterations() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
getKeyAlias() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
getKeyLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.KeyedBlockCipherSpec
Gets the cipher key length in bits.
getKeyName() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Gets the encryption key name stored in the header.
getKeySize() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2Algorithm
getKeyStore() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
getKeyStore() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Gets the header length in bytes.
getLength() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.generator.Nonce
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.BigIntegerCounterNonce
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.EncryptedNonce
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.LongCounterNonce
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.RBGNonce
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
getLength() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.RBGNonce
getMask() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ReflectUtil
Gets the method defined on the target class.
getMode() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
Gets the cipher mode.
getMode() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Gets the cipher mode.
getModulus() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedRSAKey
getName() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.x509.dn.AttributeType
getName() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
getName() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.UnknownAttributeType
getNonce() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
getNonce() - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Gets the bytes of the nonce/IV.
getNumberOfDigits() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.AbstractOTPGenerator
getOid() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1Algorithm
getOid() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2Algorithm
getOid() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.x509.dn.AttributeType
getOid() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
getOid() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.UnknownAttributeType
getOid() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionType
getOutputSize(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AEADBlockCipherAdapter
getOutputSize(int) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.adapter.BlockCipherAdapter
Gets the size of the output buffer required to hold the output of an input buffer of the given size.
getOutputSize(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.BufferedBlockCipherAdapter
getPadding() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Gets the cipher padding scheme.
getParams() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedDSAKey
getParams() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedECKey
getPrimeExponentP() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getPrimeExponentQ() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getPrimeP() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getPrimeQ() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getPrivateExponent() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getPublicExponent() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
getPublicExponent() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPublicKey
getResource() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
getResource() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
getResource() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
getResource() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
getS() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedECPrivateKey
getSalt() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
getSalt() - Method in class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
getSalt(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
Gets N bytes of salt.
getSize() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.DigestSpec
getStartTime() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
getTimeStep() - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
getType() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
getType() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attribute
getValue() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attribute
getValue(AttributeType) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
Gets the first value of the given type that appears in the attribute list.
getValue(AttributeType) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
Gets the first value of the given type that appears in the attribute list of any RDN in the sequence.
getValues(AttributeType) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
Gets an immutable list of all attributes of the given type.
getValues(AttributeType) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
Gets an immutable list of all attributes of the given type.
getVersion() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean.BCryptParameters
getW() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedECPublicKey
getX() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedDSAPrivateKey
getY() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedDSAPublicKey


handle(byte[], int, int, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Processes the given chunk of data and writes it to the output stream.
hash(Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean
Compute a bcrypt hash of the form $2n$cost$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy given a salt and a password.
hash(Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Hashes the given data.
hash(Object...) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.HashBean
Hashes the given data.
hash(Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.SimpleHashBean
hash(Digest, Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Computes the hash of the given data using the given algorithm.
hash(Digest, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Computes the iterated hash of the given data using the given algorithm.
HashBean<T> - Interface in org.cryptacular.bean
Strategy interface to support beans that produce hash outputs in various formats, e.g.
hashInternal(Object...) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
Hashes the given data.
HashUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility class for computing cryptographic hashes.
hasPolicies(X509Certificate, String...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Determines whether the certificate defines all of the given certificate policies.
HEADER_BEGIN - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
PEM encoding header start string.
hex(InputStream) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance that decodes hexadecimal input from the given stream.
hex(OutputStream) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance that produces hexadecimal output in the given stream.
HEX - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Hexadecimal encoding specification.
hex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes raw bytes to the equivalent hexadecimal encoded string.
hex(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Encodes raw bytes to the equivalent hexadecimal encoded string with optional delimiting of output.
hex(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CodecUtil
Decodes a hexadecimal encoded string to raw bytes.
HEX_LOWER - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Lowercase hexadecimal encoding specification.
HEX_UPPER - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
Uppercase hexadecimal encoding specification.
HexCodec - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Hexadecimal encoder/decoder pair.
HexCodec() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.HexCodec
Creates a new instance that outputs lowercase hex characters and supports decoding in either case.
HexCodec(boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.HexCodec
Creates a new instance that optionally outputs uppercase hex characters and supports decoding in either case.
HexDecoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Stateful hexadecimal character-to-byte decoder.
HexDecoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.HexDecoder
HexEncoder - Class in org.cryptacular.codec
Stateless hexadecimal byte-to-character encoder.
HexEncoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.HexEncoder
Creates a new instance that does not delimit bytes in the output hex string.
HexEncoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.HexEncoder
Creates a new instance with optional colon-delimiting of bytes.
HexEncoder(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.codec.HexEncoder
Creates a new instance with optional colon-delimiting of bytes and uppercase output.
HOTPGenerator - Class in org.cryptacular.generator
OTP generator component that implements the HOTP scheme described in RFC 4226.
HOTPGenerator() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.HOTPGenerator


IdGenerator - Interface in org.cryptacular.generator
Generation strategy for random identifiers.
init(boolean, CipherParameters) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AEADBlockCipherAdapter
init(boolean, CipherParameters) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.BufferedBlockCipherAdapter
init(boolean, CipherParameters) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.adapter.CipherAdapter
Initialize the underlying cipher.
invoke(Object, Method, Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ReflectUtil
Invokes the method on the target object with the given parameters.
isBase64Char(byte) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Determines whether the given byte represents an ASCII character in the character set for base64 encoding.
isCritical() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionType
isKeyPair(PublicKey, PrivateKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Determines whether the given public and private keys form a proper key pair by computing and verifying a digital signature with the keys.
isKeyPair(DSAPublicKey, DSAPrivateKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Determines whether the given DSA public and private keys form a proper key pair by computing and verifying a digital signature with the keys.
isKeyPair(RSAPublicKey, RSAPrivateKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Determines whether the given RSA public and private keys form a proper key pair by computing and verifying a digital signature with the keys.
isKeyPair(ECPublicKey, ECPrivateKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Determines whether the given EC public and private keys form a proper key pair by computing and verifying a digital signature with the keys.
isPaddedInput() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
isPaddedOutput() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
isPem(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Determines whether the data in the given byte array is base64-encoded data of PEM encoding.
isSalted() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Whether data provided to EncodingHashBean.hash(Object...) includes a salt as the last parameter.
isSet(KeyUsage) - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
Determines whether this key usage bit is set in the given key usage value.
isSet(byte[]) - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
Determines whether this key usage bit is set in the given key usage bit string.
isSet(int) - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
Determines whether this key usage bit is set in the given key usage bit string.
iterator() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
iterator() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
IV_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1EncryptionScheme
Number of bits IV.


KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1EncryptionScheme
Number of bits in derived key.
KeyedBlockCipherSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Describes a block cipher algorithm with a known key size.
KeyedBlockCipherSpec(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.KeyedBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new instance from the given cipher specifications.
keyName - Variable in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Header key name field value.
KeyPairGenerator - Class in org.cryptacular.generator
Static factory that generates various types of asymmetric key pairs.
KeyPairUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility methods for public/private key pairs used for asymmetric encryption.
KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean<T extends Key> - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory that produces either a SecretKey or PrivateKey.
KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean(KeyStore, String, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
KeyStoreFactoryBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory bean that produces a KeyStore from a file or URI.
KeyStoreFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
KeyStoreFactoryBean(Resource, String, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
KeyUsageBits - Enum in org.cryptacular.x509
Representation of the bit meanings in the KeyUsage BIT STRING type defined in section of RFC 2459.


LdapNameFormatter - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Produces a string representation of an X.500 distinguished name using the process described in section 2 of RFC 2253, LADPv3 Distinguished Names.
LdapNameFormatter() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.LdapNameFormatter
length - Variable in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Header length in bytes.
length(PublicKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Gets the length in bits of a public key where key size is dependent on the particulars of the algorithm.
length(PrivateKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Gets the length in bits of a private key where key size is dependent on the particulars of the algorithm.
LimitException - Exception in org.cryptacular.generator
Runtime exception that describes a condition where some fundamental limit imposed by the implementation or specification of a generator has been exceeded.
LimitException(String) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.generator.LimitException
Creates a new instance with the given error description..
LINE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Line length.
lineLength - Variable in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
Number of base64 characters per line.
LongCounterNonce - Class in org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a
Simple counter nonce that uses a long integer counter internally and produces 8-byte nonces.
LongCounterNonce() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.LongCounterNonce
Creates a new instance whose counter values start at 1.
LongCounterNonce(long) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.LongCounterNonce
Creates a new instance whose counter values start above the given value.
lookupKey(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Looks up secret key entry in the AbstractCipherBean.keyStore.


MAC_SIZE_BITS - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
Mac size in bits.
makeReader(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Creates a reader around the given file that presumably contains character data.
makeStream(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Creates an input stream around the given file.
MAX_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.CounterNonce
Maximum invocations is 232.
MAX_KEYNAME_LEN - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Maximum key name length in bytes.
MAX_NONCE_LEN - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Maximum nonce length in bytes.
MAX_TAG_NUMBER - Static variable in enum org.cryptacular.x509.GeneralNameType
Maximum tag number for items in CHOICE definition.
MIN_TAG_NUMBER - Static variable in enum org.cryptacular.x509.GeneralNameType
Minimum tag number for items in CHOICE definition.


NameFormatter - Interface in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Strategy pattern interface for producing a string representation of an X.500 distinguished name.
NameReader - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Reads X.509 subject and issuer DNs as a raw sequence of attributes to facilitate precise handling of name parsing.
NameReader(X509Certificate) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.NameReader
Creates a new instance to support reading subject and issuer information on the given certificate.
newCipher(CiphertextHeader, boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractBlockCipherBean
Creates a new cipher adapter instance suitable for the block cipher used by this class.
newCipher(CiphertextHeader, boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
newCipher(CiphertextHeader, boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BufferedBlockCipherBean
newDecoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
newDecoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
newDecoder() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Codec
newDecoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexCodec
newEncoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base32Codec
newEncoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Codec
newEncoder() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Codec
newEncoder() - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexCodec
newInstance() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.bean.FactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new AEAD block cipher from the specification in this instance.
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BlockCipherSpec
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Creates a new buffered block cipher from the specification in this instance.
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.DigestSpec
Creates a new digest instance.
newInstance() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.spec.Spec
Creates a new instance of the cryptographic primitive described by this specification.
newInstance() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.StreamCipherSpec
newRBG(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Creates a new DRBG instance based on a SHA-256 digest.
newRBG(Digest, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Creates a new hash-based DRBG instance that uses the given digest as the pseudorandom source.
newRBG(Digest, int, EntropySource) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Creates a new hash-based DRBG instance that uses the given digest as the pseudorandom source.
nist80038d(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Generates a nonce/IV using the strategy described in NIST SP-800-38d, section 8.2.2, "RBG-based Construction".
nist80063a(BlockCipher, SecretKey) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Generates a random IV according to NIST SP-800-63a, appendix C, method 1 (encrypted nonce), suitable for use with any block cipher mode described in that standard.
nist80063a(SP800SecureRandom, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Generates a random IV according to NIST SP-800-63a, appendix C, method 2 (pseudorandom), suitable for use with any block cipher mode described in that standard.
nist80063a(BlockCipher) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Generates a random IV according to NIST SP-800-63a, appendix C, method 2 (pseudorandom), suitable for use with any block cipher mode described in that standard.
nonce - Variable in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeader
Header nonce field value.
Nonce - Interface in org.cryptacular.generator
Nonce generation strategy.
NonceUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility class for generating secure nonce and initialization vectors.


OpenSSLAlgorithm - Enum in org.cryptacular.pbe
Describes block ciphers allowed with the OpenSSL password-based encryption scheme.
OpenSSLEncryptionScheme - Class in org.cryptacular.pbe
Password-based encryption scheme used by OpenSSL for encrypting private keys.
OpenSSLEncryptionScheme(BufferedBlockCipher, byte[], int, char[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLEncryptionScheme
Creates a new instance using the given parameters.
OpenSSLEncryptionScheme(OpenSSLAlgorithm, byte[], char[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLEncryptionScheme
Creates a new instance from an algorithm and salt data.
OpenSSLPrivateKeyDecoder - Class in org.cryptacular.asn
Decrypts PEM-encoded OpenSSL "traditional" format private keys.
OpenSSLPrivateKeyDecoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.asn.OpenSSLPrivateKeyDecoder
org.cryptacular - package org.cryptacular
org.cryptacular.adapter - package org.cryptacular.adapter
org.cryptacular.asn - package org.cryptacular.asn
org.cryptacular.bean - package org.cryptacular.bean
org.cryptacular.codec - package org.cryptacular.codec
org.cryptacular.generator - package org.cryptacular.generator
org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a - package org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a
org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d - package org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d - package
org.cryptacular.pbe - package org.cryptacular.pbe
org.cryptacular.spec - package org.cryptacular.spec
org.cryptacular.util - package org.cryptacular.util
org.cryptacular.x509 - package org.cryptacular.x509
org.cryptacular.x509.dn - package org.cryptacular.x509.dn
outputSize(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
outputSize(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
outputSize(int) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Decoder
Expected number of bytes in the output buffer for an input buffer of the given size.
outputSize(int) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.codec.Encoder
Expected number of characters in the output buffer for an input buffer of the given size.
outputSize(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexDecoder
outputSize(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.HexEncoder


parse(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
Parses a string representation of a AEAD block cipher specification into an instance of this class.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
Parses a string representation of a buffered block cipher specification into an instance of this class.
PBES1Algorithm - Enum in org.cryptacular.pbe
Password-based encryption algorithms defined in PKCS#5 for PBES1 scheme.
PBES1EncryptionScheme - Class in org.cryptacular.pbe
Implements the PBES1 encryption scheme defined in PKCS#5v2.
PBES1EncryptionScheme(PBES1Algorithm, PBEParameter, char[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1EncryptionScheme
Creates a new instance with the given parameters.
PBES2Algorithm - Enum in org.cryptacular.pbe
Supported password-based encryption algorithms for PKCS#5 PBES2 encryption scheme.
PBES2EncryptionScheme - Class in org.cryptacular.pbe
Implements the PBES2 encryption scheme defined in PKCS#5v2.
PBES2EncryptionScheme(PBES2Parameters, char[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2EncryptionScheme
Creates a new instance with the given parameters.
PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory for creating a public key from a PEM-encoded private key in any format supported by KeyPairUtil.decodePrivateKey(byte[]).
PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory for creating a public key from a PEM-encoded string:
PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
PemUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility class with helper methods for common PEM encoding operations.
pipeAll(InputStream, OutputStream, ChunkHandler) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Pipes an input stream into an output stream with chunked processing.
PKCS8_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedKey
PKCS#8 format identifier used with private keys.
PKCS8PrivateKeyDecoder - Class in org.cryptacular.asn
Decodes PEM or DER-encoded PKCS#8 private keys.
PKCS8PrivateKeyDecoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.asn.PKCS8PrivateKeyDecoder
PROC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.util.PemUtil
Procedure type tag for PEM-encoded private key in OpenSSL format.
process(CiphertextHeader, boolean, byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractBlockCipherBean
process(CiphertextHeader, boolean, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractBlockCipherBean
process(CiphertextHeader, boolean, byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Processes the given data under the action of the cipher.
process(CiphertextHeader, boolean, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Processes the given data under the action of the cipher.
processBytes(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AEADBlockCipherAdapter
processBytes(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.BufferedBlockCipherAdapter
processBytes(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in interface org.cryptacular.adapter.CipherAdapter
Process an array of bytes, producing output if necessary.
PublicKeyDecoder - Class in org.cryptacular.asn
Decodes public keys formatted in an X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure in either PEM or DER encoding.
PublicKeyDecoder() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.asn.PublicKeyDecoder


randomEntropySource(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Creates a new entropy source that wraps a SecureRandom to produce random bytes.
RandomIdGenerator - Class in org.cryptacular.generator
Generates random identifiers with an alphanumeric character set by default.
RandomIdGenerator(int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.RandomIdGenerator
Creates a new instance with the default character set.
RandomIdGenerator(int, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.RandomIdGenerator
Creates a new instance with a defined character set.
randomNonce(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Generates a random nonce of the given length in bytes.
RBGNonce - Class in org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a
Nonce generation strategy that produces a random value according to NIST SP-800-38a, appendix C, method 2 (random number generator), suitable for use with any block cipher mode described in that standard except OFB.
RBGNonce() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.RBGNonce
Creates a new instance that produces 16-bytes (128-bits) of random data.
RBGNonce(int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038a.RBGNonce
Creates a new instance that produces length bytes of random data.
RBGNonce - Class in org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d
RBG-based nonce generation strategy that uses a RBG component to produce values for the invocation field as described in NIST SP-800-38D, section 8.2.2.
RBGNonce() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.RBGNonce
Creates a new instance that produces 12-bytes (96-bits) of random data; that is, the fixed field of the nonce is null.
RBGNonce(int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.RBGNonce
Creates a new instance that produces length bytes of random data; that is, the fixed field of the nonce is null.
RBGNonce(String, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.sp80038d.RBGNonce
Creates a new instance using the given fixed field value.
RDN - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Simple implementation of the X.501 RelativeDistinguishedName type described in section of RFC 2459.
RDN(Attributes) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDN
Creates a new instance with given attributes.
RDN_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.LdapNameFormatter
Separator character between RDN components.
RDNSequence - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Simple implementation of the X.501 RDNSequence type described in section of RFC 2459.
RDNSequence() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
read() - Method in class
read(byte[]) - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
read(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the extension given by OID or name as defined in section 4.2 of RFC 2459.
read(ExtensionType) - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the given certificate extension field.
readAll(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Reads all the data from the file at the given path.
readAll(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Reads all the data from the given file.
readAll(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Reads all the data from the given input stream.
readAll(InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Reads all the data from the given input stream.
readAll(Reader) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Reads all data from the given reader.
readAll(Reader, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.StreamUtil
Reads all data from the given reader.
readAuthorityInformationAccess() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the AuthorityInformationAccess extension field of the certificate.
readAuthorityKeyIdentifier() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension field of the certificate.
readBasicConstraints() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the BasicConstraints extension field of the certificate.
readCertificate(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Reads an X.509 certificate from ASN.1 encoded format in the file at the given location.
readCertificate(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Reads an X.509 certificate from ASN.1 encoded format from the given file.
readCertificate(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Reads an X.509 certificate from ASN.1 encoded data in the given stream.
readCertificateChain(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Reads an X.509 certificate chain from ASN.1 encoded format in the file at the given location.
readCertificateChain(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Reads an X.509 certificate chain from ASN.1 encoded format from the given file.
readCertificateChain(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Reads an X.509 certificate chain from ASN.1 encoded data in the given stream.
readCertificatePolicies() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the CertificatePolicies extension field of the certificate.
readCRLDistributionPoints() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the CRLDistributionPoints extension field of the certificate.
readExtendedKeyUsage() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the ExtendedKeyUsage extension field of the certificate.
readInt(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Reads 4-bytes from the input stream and converts to a 32-bit integer.
readIssuer() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.NameReader
Reads the issuer field from the certificate.
readIssuerAlternativeName() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the IssuerAlternativeName extension field of the certificate.
readKeyUsage() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the KeyUsage extension field of the certificate.
readLong(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Reads 8-bytes from the input stream and converts to a 64-bit long integer.
readPrivateKey(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads an encoded private key from a file at the given path.
readPrivateKey(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads an encoded private key from a file.
readPrivateKey(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads an encoded private key from an input stream.
readPrivateKey(String, char[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads an encrypted private key from a file at the given path.
readPrivateKey(File, char[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads an encrypted private key from a file.
readPrivateKey(InputStream, char[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads an encrypted private key from an input stream.
readPublicKey(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads a DER or PEM-encoded public key from a file.
readPublicKey(File) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads a DER or PEM-encoded public key from a file.
readPublicKey(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.KeyPairUtil
Reads a DER or PEM-encoded public key from data in the given stream.
readSubject() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.NameReader
Reads the subject field from the certificate.
readSubjectAlternativeName() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the SubjectAlternativeName extension field of the certificate.
readSubjectKeyIdentifier() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionReader
Reads the value of the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension field of the certificate.
readX500Principal(X500Principal) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.NameReader
Converts the given X.500 principal to a list of relative distinguished names that contains the attributes comprising the DN.
ReflectUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Reflection utilities.
RESERVED_CHARS - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.LdapNameFormatter
String of characters that need to be escaped.
reset() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AEADBlockCipherAdapter
reset() - Method in class org.cryptacular.adapter.BufferedBlockCipherAdapter
reset() - Method in interface org.cryptacular.adapter.CipherAdapter
Reset the cipher.
Resource - Interface in
Resource descriptor that provides a strategy to get an InputStream to read bytes.
ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory for reading a private from a Resource containing data in any of the formats supported by KeyPairUtil.readPrivateKey(, char[]).
ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean(Resource) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance capable of reading an unencrypted private key.
ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean(Resource, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance of reading an encrypted private key.
ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory for creating a public key from a Resource containing data in any of the formats supported by KeyPairUtil.readPublicKey(
ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean(Resource) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Factory that produces a SecretKey from a Resource.
ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance.
ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean(Resource, String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.


SaltedHash - Class in org.cryptacular
Container for the output of a salted hash operation that includes both the digest output and salt value.
SaltedHash(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
Creates a new instance with digest and salt data.
SaltedHash(byte[], int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.SaltedHash
Creates a new instance from byte input that contains the concatenation of digest output and salt.
SecretKeyGenerator - Class in org.cryptacular.generator
Factory class with static methods for generating SecretKeys.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
Sets the key algorithm.
setAlias(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
Sets the alias that specifies the KeyStore entry containing the key.
setAlphabet(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder.Builder
Sets an arbitrary 64-character alphabet for decoding.
setAlphabet(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder.Builder
Sets an arbitrary 64-character alphabet for encoding.
setBlockCipherSpec(Spec<AEADBlockCipher>) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AEADBlockCipherBean
Sets the AEAD block cipher specification.
setBlockCipherSpec(Spec<BufferedBlockCipher>) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BufferedBlockCipherBean
Sets the block cipher specification.
setCharactersPerLine(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder.Builder
Sets the number of characters per line in output produced by the encoder.
setCipher(BufferedBlockCipher) - Method in class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
Sets the block cipher used for encryption/decryption.
setCipherParameters(CipherParameters) - Method in class org.cryptacular.pbe.AbstractEncryptionScheme
Sets block cipher initialization parameters.
setCodecSpec(Spec<Codec>) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Sets the codec specification that determines the encoding applied to the hash output bytes.
setCost(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean
Sets the bcrypt cost factor.
setCurrentTime(long) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
Sets the current time (supports testing).
setDigestSpec(Spec<Digest>) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
Sets the digest specification that determines the instance of Digest used to compute the hash.
setDigestSpecification(Spec<Digest>) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
Sets the digest algorithm used with the HMAC function.
setEncodedKey(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Sets the PEM-encoded private key data.
setEncodedKey(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.PemBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
Sets the PEM-encoded public key data.
setIterations(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractHashBean
Sets the number of iterations the digest function is applied to the input data.
setKeyAlias(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Sets the keystore entry alias used to locate the current encryption key.
setKeyLookup(Function<String, SecretKey>) - Method in class org.cryptacular.CiphertextHeaderV2
Sets the function to resolve keys from CiphertextHeader.keyName.
setKeyPassword(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Sets the password used to access the encryption key.
setKeyStore(KeyStore) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Sets the keystore containing encryption/decryption key(s).
setKeyStore(KeyStore) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
Sets the keystore that contains the key.
setNonce(Nonce) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.AbstractCipherBean
Sets the nonce/IV generation strategy.
setNumberOfDigits(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.AbstractOTPGenerator
Sets the numbers in the generated OTP.
setPaddedInput(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNDecoder
Determines whether padded input is accepted.
setPaddedOutput(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.AbstractBaseNEncoder
Sets the output padding mode.
setPadding(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder.Builder
Sets padding flag on the decoder.
setPadding(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder.Builder
Sets padding flag on the encoder.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreBasedKeyFactoryBean
Sets the password used to access the key entry.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
Sets the keystore password required to decrypt an encrypted keystore.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Sets the password-based key used to decrypt an encrypted private key.
setResource(Resource) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
Sets the resource that provides encoded keystore data.
setResource(Resource) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPrivateKeyFactoryBean
Sets the resource containing key data.
setResource(Resource) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedPublicKeyFactoryBean
Sets the resource containing key data.
setResource(Resource) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.ResourceBasedSecretKeyFactoryBean
Sets the resource containing key data.
setSalted(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.EncodingHashBean
Sets whether EncodingHashBean.hash(Object...) should expect a salt as the last parameter.
setStartTime(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
Sets the reference start time, T0.
setTimeStep(int) - Method in class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
Sets the time step, X.
setType(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.KeyStoreFactoryBean
Sets the keystore type.
setUrlSafe(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Decoder.Builder
Sets the URL-safe alphabet flag.
setUrlSafe(boolean) - Method in class org.cryptacular.codec.Base64Encoder.Builder
Sets the URL-safe alphabet flag.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.cryptacular.bean.BCryptHashBean
Sets the bcrypt version.
sha1(Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Produces the SHA-1 hash of the given data.
sha256(Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Produces the SHA-256 hash of the given data.
sha3(int, Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Produces the SHA-3 hash of the given data.
sha512(Object...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.HashUtil
Produces the SHA-512 hash of the given data.
SimpleHashBean - Class in org.cryptacular.bean
Computes a hash using an instance of Digest specified by AbstractHashBean.setDigestSpec(org.cryptacular.spec.Spec).
SimpleHashBean() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.SimpleHashBean
Creates a new instance.
SimpleHashBean(Spec<Digest>, int) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.bean.SimpleHashBean
Creates a new instance by specifying all properties.
size() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.Attributes
Gets the number of attributes contained in this instance.
Spec<T> - Interface in org.cryptacular.spec
Specification for a cryptographic primitive, e.g.
StandardAttributeType - Enum in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Describes the registered values of AttributeType that may appear in a RelativeDistinguishedName (RDN) as defined in section 2 of RFC 2253.
StreamCipherSpec - Class in org.cryptacular.spec
Stream cipher specification.
StreamCipherSpec(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.spec.StreamCipherSpec
Creates a new instance that describes the given stream cipher algorithm.
StreamException - Exception in org.cryptacular
Runtime exception thrown on stream IO errors.
StreamException(String) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.StreamException
Creates a new instance with the given error message.
StreamException(IOException) - Constructor for exception org.cryptacular.StreamException
Creates a new instance with causing IO exception.
StreamUtil - Class in org.cryptacular.util
Utility methods for stream handling.
subjectAltNames(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets all subject alternative names defined on the given certificate.
subjectAltNames(X509Certificate, GeneralNameType...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets all subject alternative names of the given type(s) on the given cert.
subjectCN(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets the common name attribute (CN) of the certificate subject distinguished name.
subjectKeyId(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets the subject key identifier of the given certificate in delimited hexadecimal format, e.g.
subjectNames(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets a list of all subject names defined for the given certificate.
subjectNames(X509Certificate, GeneralNameType...) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.CertUtil
Gets a list of subject names defined for the given certificate.


timestampNonce(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.NonceUtil
Generates a nonce of the given size by repetitively concatenating system timestamps (i.e.
toArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a byte buffer into a byte array.
toByteBuffer(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a string into bytes in the UTF-8 character set.
toBytes(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts an integer into a 4-byte big endian array.
toBytes(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts an integer into a 4-byte big endian array.
toBytes(long) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a long integer into an 8-byte big endian array.
toBytes(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts an integer into a 8-byte big endian array.
toBytes(String) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a string into bytes in the UTF-8 character set.
toCharBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a byte buffer into a character buffer.
toInt(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts the big-endian representation of a 32-bit integer to the equivalent integer value.
toInt(byte) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts an unsigned byte into an integer.
toLong(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts the big-endian representation of a 64-bit integer to the equivalent long value.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.AEADBlockCipherSpec
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BlockCipherSpec
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.BufferedBlockCipherSpec
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.CodecSpec
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.DigestSpec
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.spec.StreamCipherSpec
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a byte array into a string in the UTF-8 character set.
toString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a portion of a byte array into a string in the UTF-8 character set.
toString(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts a byte buffer into a string in the UTF-8 character set.
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.RDNSequence
Creates a comma-separated list of TYPE=VALUE tokens from the attributes in the list in order.
toString() - Method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
toString() - Method in class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.UnknownAttributeType
TOTPGenerator - Class in org.cryptacular.generator
OTP generator component that implements the TOTP scheme described in RFC 6238.
TOTPGenerator() - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.generator.TOTPGenerator
toUnsignedByte(int) - Static method in class org.cryptacular.util.ByteUtil
Converts an integer into an unsigned byte.
tryConvertPem(byte[]) - Method in class org.cryptacular.asn.AbstractPrivateKeyDecoder
Tests the given encoded input and converts it to PEM if it is detected, stripping out any header/footer data in the process.


UnknownAttributeType - Class in org.cryptacular.x509.dn
Describes a non-standard AttributeType in dotted decimal form that may appear in a RelativeDistinguishedName (RDN) as defined in section 2 of RFC 2253.
UnknownAttributeType(String) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.x509.dn.UnknownAttributeType
Creates a new instance from the given oid.
URLResource - Class in
Describes a (presumably remote) resource accessible via URL.
URLResource(URL) - Constructor for class
Creates a new URL resource.
usage(KeyUsageBits...) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
Computes the key usage value from one or more key usage bits.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1Algorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2Algorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.GeneralNameType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.OpenSSLAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES1Algorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.pbe.PBES2Algorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.dn.StandardAttributeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.ExtensionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.GeneralNameType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.cryptacular.x509.KeyUsageBits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WrappedDSAPrivateKey - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK DSA private key that wraps the corresponding BC DSA private key type, DSAPrivateKeyParameters.
WrappedDSAPrivateKey(DSAPrivateKeyParameters) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedDSAPrivateKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given BC DSA private key.
WrappedDSAPublicKey - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK DSA public key that wraps the corresponding BC DSA public key type, DSAPublicKeyParameters.
WrappedDSAPublicKey(DSAPublicKeyParameters) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedDSAPublicKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
WrappedECPrivateKey - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK EC private key that wraps the corresponding BC EC private key type, ECPrivateKeyParameters.
WrappedECPrivateKey(ECPrivateKeyParameters) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedECPrivateKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
WrappedECPublicKey - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK EC public key that wraps the corresponding BC EC public key type, ECPublicKeyParameters.
WrappedECPublicKey(ECPublicKeyParameters) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedECPublicKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK RSA private key that wraps the corresponding BC RSA private key type, RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters.
WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey(RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPrivateCrtKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given BC RSA private key.
WrappedRSAPublicKey - Class in org.cryptacular.adapter
JCE/JDK RSA public key that wraps the corresponding BC RSA public key type, RSAKeyParameters.
WrappedRSAPublicKey(RSAKeyParameters) - Constructor for class org.cryptacular.adapter.WrappedRSAPublicKey
Creates a new instance that wraps the given key.
write(int) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class


X509_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.cryptacular.adapter.AbstractWrappedKey
X.509 format identifier used with private keys.
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